
Bioinformatics Day on the 6.6.2025 in BioCity Turku

Stay tuned for more information!

The Next BioBeer in March 2025

BioBeers are on a different day in different cities: Helsinki BioBeers are usually on the first Thursday of the month, Turku BioBeers are on the first Friday of the month.

TurkuFri 7th of March at 18: Saaristobaari, Aurakatu 14, Turku. Discounts for foods and drinks at BioBeer events.

HelsinkiThu 6th of March at 18: To be announced later

Helsinki BioBeer aims to try different restaurants and bars at each BioBeer. Suggest a place for the next Helsinki BioBeer here:

The next Bioinformatics Webinar 6th of March 2025 @ 14

Speaker: Chengbo Fu from the Aalto University, Finland

Topic: KMAP: Kmer Manifold Approximation and Projection for visualizing DNA sequences

Abstract: Identifying and illustrating patterns in DNA sequences is a crucial task in various biological data analyses. In this task, patterns are often represented by sets of kmers, the fundamental building blocks of DNA sequences. To visually unveil these patterns, we could project each kmer onto a point in two-dimensional (2D) space. However, this projection poses challenges due to the high-dimensional nature of kmers and their unique mathematical properties. Here, we established a mathematical system to address the peculiarities of the kmer manifold. Leveraging this kmer manifold theory, we developed a statistical method named KMAP for detecting kmer patterns and visualizing them in 2D space. We applied KMAP to three distinct datasets to showcase its utility. KMAP achieved a comparable performance to the classical method MEME, with approximately 90% similarity in motif discovery from HT-SELEX data. In the analysis of H3K27ac ChIP-seq data from Ewing Sarcoma (EWS), we found that BACH1, OTX2 and ERG1 might affect EWS prognosis by binding to promoter and enhancer regions across the genome. We also found that FLI1 bound to the enhancer regions after ETV6 degradation, which showed the competitive binding between ETV6 and FLI1. Moreover, KMAP identified four prevalent patterns in gene editing data of the AAVS1 locus, aligning with findings reported in the literature. These applications underscore that KMAP could be a valuable tool across various biological contexts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The BioBeer about?

We organize BioBeers to offer Bioinformaticians and everyone interested in Bioinformatics a possibility to network with like-minded people. Its a great opportunity to talk about bioinformatics or just come an meet new people and old friends. BioBeer events are organized every first Friday of the month.

What is the Bioinformatics Webinar about?

We organize Bioinformatics Webinars for our members and for everyone interested in Bioinformatics as part of our goal to support bioinformatics research, share the latest scientific discoveries, and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and knowledge, thus spread open knowledge in bioinformatics.

Do I get free beer at the BioBeer events?

Unfortunately the society cannot (afford to) offer free drinks at the BioBeers. However, in Turku BioBeers Bioinformaticans get a nice discount for the foods and drinks at Saaristobaari. Also, it is not required to buy anything at the BioBeer events and there is always free water available at the restaurants and bars.

Who are can participate the webinar?

The webinar is aimed for all bioinformaticians and everyone interested in bioinformatics. If you know someone interested in bioinformatics or in the topic of a specific webinar, you can share the webinar link with them. Our webinar link is always the same:

Why there is no BioBeer event in my town?

Currently we organize BioBeer events only in Turku and Helsinki because of more active Bioinformatics community in these cities. If you would like to start organize BioBeer events in your town, please contact us by email: and we will help you with everything to set up the events!

How do you select your speakers?

We aim to have variety in our speakers so they from all career stages, different fields of bioinformatics and from all corners of the world. For late-career stage researcher we have reserved a full hour of presentation and questions (usually 45+15 minutes), while two younger researchers often share one webinar (25+5 minutes each).

Why the Turku BioBeer is always in the same pub while in Helsinki the place is always different?

The Bioinformaticians in Turku prefer Saaristobaari, due to its size, games and even a karaoke booth. Due to the fact that we love Saaristobaari so much (and they love us) we get a nice discount for food and drinks during the BioBeer events. The Bioinformaticians in Helsinki on the other hand are more adventurous and they prefer to test new restaurants every time to keep things exciting. If you know a restaurant or a bar in Helsinki that we should definitely try out at our BioBeer events, you can suggest it here:

How can I present my work at the Bioinformatics webinar?

We would be thrilled to hear about your work in our Bioinformatics webinars! If you would like to present your work at the Bioinformatics webinar, please contact us by email and we will try to get your talk lined up for the next available slot.