Join the Finnish Society for Bioinformatics

To become a member, please send as an email to The email should include your name, email address and the city you live in Finland.

After the email, please pay the membership fee to our bank account:

Bioinformatiikan seura ry
IBAN: FI9780001871150455
Viite/Reference: 2000105

Membership Fees:
Regular membership: 29€
Bachelor/Master’s student membership: 5€

Remember to renew your membership each year by paying the fee again to our bank account.

We are also looking for collaborators and company sponsors! Contact us by email to discuss more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a Bioinformatician to join?

The Finnish Society for Bioinformatics is aimed for anyone interested in bioinformatics. We welcome people from all career stages, and all fields as long as you share our passion for bioinformatics.

Why do I have to send you an email to register?

After the payment, you should send us an email so we can link you to your payment. Once we know you have paid, we can add you to the mailing list to receive the newsletter. You need to send the email only during your first registration. The following years when you continue your membership you can just pay the fee. We will then connect the payment to you by the details you have provided during your initial registration.

Why do you collect membership fees?

We collect membership fees to cover the running costs of the society, such as the website, bank account and so on. The membership fees are also used for Bioinformatics day which is a yearly event full of science, networking and fun. Our membership fees also allow us to award the best Bioinformatics PhD thesis with 500 euro stipend every second year. The membership fees are not used for salary – our board members are volunteering and the passion to create a community for bioinformatics is what inspires us the most.

Why do you need to know my email address and the City where I live in Finland?

The Finnish Society for Bioinformatics is an officially registered society. By the law, all registered societies in Finland need to keep a record of their members, including member names and the cities they live in. We need your email to be able to send you our monthly newsletter that includes our news and fabulous events. You can cancel the newsletter anytime by sending us an email.